19 Herbal Remedies To Reduce or Prevent Pneumonia

Reduce or prevent pneumonia with these herbal remedies

Olidhealth.com – Every year, Pneumonia is a common disease that affects about 1 million people in the US. In other words, it may have more than that number of cases across the world. In the last two years, pneumonia cases were inflated multiple times due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Bacteria, viruses, and fungi are the main causes of pneumonia, and its symptom such as cough and fever that can burden your body [1]. It can be fatal if you don’t get treated soon. Therefore, everyone seeks a doctor and hospital to diagnose this disease and get treatment soon.

Though this disease needs an expert to cure it, there are several options to treat your pneumonia. One of the options that can reduce this disease’s symptoms is herbal remedies. Some herbs such as eucalyptus, turmeric, and green tea are the best herbal remedies for preventing or reducing pneumonia. The chance to recover from this disease can be increased because these remedies rely on their antibacterial and antiviral properties.

Here are various herbal remedies that can reduce or prevent pneumonia symptom as follow:

Purple Coneflower

echinacea or known as purple coneflower that good to relieve pneumonia symptom

For centuries, echinacea are popular to treat various infections especially that is related to the respiratory tract such as flu, cold, cough, sore throat. Moreover, its root, flower, and leaves can be used as herbal remedies to lessen pneumonia symptoms.

Rosmarinic acid exists in some coneflower that has anti-bacterial properties to defend against infection that causes pneumonia. There was also a study in 2020 claiming cichoric acid and caffeic acid are the main compounds in purple coneflower that have the benefit to reduce pneumonia symptoms caused by SARS-CoV-2 [2].

The other usage of purple coneflower extract is to treat virus infections like HIV/AIDS, reduce the development of anxiety, and provide pain relief effects. However, these claims don’t have strong scientific research to prove these benefits.

You can brew this dried plant and serve it as a tea to improve the healing of pneumonia. Adding honey or lemon is also a good option to strengthen its taste and make it more healthy.


A group of garlic that have benefit for health

This spice usually serves to enrich flavor in cuisine, but It also has benefits particularly as a powerful antibacterial agent. Garlic contains allicin that can boost the immune system and also have antiviral content. Research in 2002 suggests this Allium sativum has a strong effect to reduce Streptococcus pneumoniae infection which causes typical pneumonia [3].

To use garlic, it can be added as an additional ingredient in the diet or roasted to lessen the pungent flavor. Allicin itself is a volatile compound, so you can crush raw garlic and inhale the odor to have its benefit directly to your lung. However, some people could not stand its odor.


peppermint tea that can reduce the risk of pneumonia

You may know this herb because it is common in hygiene products as flavor. However, Peppermint actually has benefits in this matter. Compounds like limonene, l-menthol, menthone, and luteolin that are present in peppermint have antibacterial and antiviral content to control bacterial infection within the lung. Even some studies believe that luteolin is good to counter chlamydiaceae pneumoniae that cause mild pneumonia symptoms.

Peppermint is a good match with other tea and combining it will make the best herbal remedies for reducing pneumonia symptoms. You can also use a peppermint oil diffuser humidifier and inhale its steam since limonene and menthone are volatile compounds that can improve your lung condition and bring up excess mucus.


fenugreek oil to break down mucus in the lung

In Asia and the Mediterranean, these beneficial herbs are known to be used as anti-inflammation and anti-cancer medicine. Fenugreek or its Latin name called trigonella Foenum-gracium also has benefits in the respiratory system especially to ease or prevent pneumonia disease.

This herb has flavonoid and terpenoid compounds that have antioxidant and antibacterial properties to break down mucus within the lung. Basically, Excessive mucus in air sacs can shorten oxygen intake to your body, and this condition is a common symptom that happens in pneumonia disease.

Fenugreek is fine to consume as warm tea to reduce irritation and chest pain. All you can do to prevent pneumonia infection is take this tea one cup a day. As another option, you can take the essential oil of fenugreek as an alternate option if you can’t brew tea. Inhaling this essential oil may also have benefits to your lung.


eucalyptus oil have volatile compound that help lessen pneumonia symptom

The essential oil from eucalyptus is vastly known as an ointment remedy to relieve clogged nasal because of excessive mucus. This also can warm up your body if you have a cold. The main component in this plant is eucalyptol and a small amount of limonene that has numerous benefits to your health. Even the study taken in 2010 suggests that eucalyptol compound is effective to counter some bacterial causes tuberculosis and pneumonia.

Eucalyptus oil can break down the persistent mucus and induce to release of phlegm. We barely use this herb to make something besides its oil, but some type of dried eucalyptus leaves can be brewed as herbal tea. Using this ointment can relieve fever and chest pain caused by pneumonia illness.


turmeric powder that have benefit to your health

You can find this common herb in the marketplace since it uses as coloring food and a flavor enhancer in some cuisine. However, turmeric also has the myriad benefit to prevent your body from getting infected by malicious substances.

Curcumin in turmeric has anti-bacterial and anti-viral effects to fight infiltrated bacteria that come into your body. Based on some research, this compound also could kill typical bacteria that cause pneumonia.

Although turmeric is preferably used for food spices, it also can be served as herbal tea. You can add lemon and honey to make it tastier and healthier. Moreover, there are also several recipes of turmeric tea that you can try to make as your variant herbal remedies.


fresh goldenseal

Hydrastis canadensis or goldenseal is an herb that has many benefits to promote certain organ functions such as the liver, spleen, and lung. Generally, this herb is combined with echinacea to make certain supplements for health. In fact, goldenseal is considered as good medicine to prevent pneumonia and reduce its symptom.

Naturally, this marvelous herb can treat upper respiratory infections like sinuses disease or nasal illness. Berberine and hydrastine are active compounds in goldenseal that have antibacterial effects to hold back virus and bacterial infection and can reduce pneumonia symptoms.

To obtain the benefit, you can try to consume a goldenseal supplement or brew its root as herbal tea. Whatever method you choose, they still have the same function to make your body healthy.


sliced ginger can prevent pneumonia infection

Every household may have ginger as an ordinary spice in the kitchen. It is usually added to the dish that would make the warm taste when we consume. However, this spice also can be used as an herb to treat some diseases.

This herb has gingerol, shogaol, and zerumbone compounds that contain antioxidant, anti-inflammation, and antimicrobial properties to combat unwanted bacteria and viruses. Consuming ginger can reduce inflammation in the lining respiratory tract caused by pneumonia. In other cases, zerumbone can suppress some bacteria growth and destroy them.

Combining ginger and Turmeric could make a great tea that has beneficial effects to decrease pneumonia symptoms. This combined tea with an addition such as honey, milk, and cinnamon is the best choice as your reference herbal remedies combination.

Green Tea

green tea have catechin as antibacterial properties

Consuming green tea is great to ease chest pain and bring up mucus caused by pneumonia. Moreover, green tea contains catechin and its derivative that have antimicrobial content to prevent or reduce bacterial infection. Based on some studies found EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) can counter Chlamydiaceae pneumoniae which is one of the atypical bacteria pneumonia.

Another benefit of green tea is to lighten stress and induce relaxation in patients with pneumonia symptoms. Herbal tea generally can boost your mood and appetite to help you recover from this disease. So, one cup a day may be fine to alleviate the symptom and enlighten your day.

Chinese Skullcap

Chinese skullcap that have baicalein compound to serve as antibacterial agent

Scutellaria baicalensis or Chinese skullcap is a herb that may have the benefit to reduce pneumonia symptoms. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is known to treat certain infection-related diseases such as hepatitis, meningitis, pneumonia, or even cancer because this herb has antibacterial and antiviral compounds to do that.

Baicalein is an essential component in this herb that could fight off Chlamydiaceae pneumoniae. These bacteria are responsible to cause pneumonia and upper respiratory diseases such as sinuses disorder and nasal illness. Baicalein provides fast response detection of infection and assists the immune system to defend against it.

You can obtain a Chinese skullcap in its dried form to make tea or its extract that can easily consume to alleviate the symptom of pneumonia. It also may alleviate your chest pain via inhaling this plant in its oil form.


common fresh thyme vulgaris that can reduce the symptom of pneumonia

Some species of thyme are beneficial to reduce or prevent pneumonia disease. However, we focus on common thyme since wild thyme may have a different composition.

Thymus vulgaris is a kind of common thyme known to have antibacterial and antifungal properties. Thymol is the major compound in the thyme that also can serve as an essential oil. Studies found that Baicalein can reduce Streptococcus pneumoniae activity that leads to typical bacterial pneumonia. Another compound like luteolin is also existed in this herb to reduce inflammation caused by infection. Besides its use to treat this disease, it also has the benefit to ease neurodegeneration disorders such as dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Brewing these dried or fresh leaves and serving is as herbal tea may cure pneumonia symptoms. Thyme essential oil also can be found in the marketplace and added to your diffuser to relieve your lung.

Corn Mint

fresh corn mint to maintain your health

Some common folk may rarely recognize this plant. However, we mostly know this herb in essential oil form and its uses are the same way as peppermint oil does. Corn mint or the botanical name called mentha arvensis has contributed to reduce pneumonia symptoms like cough and chest pain. Moreover, this plant has an anti-bacterial that may reduce the risk of this disease.

Rosmarinic acid, linarin, and acacetin are the top three compounds in corn mint that use as antioxidants, anti-inflammation, and antimicrobial agents. Research in 2018 found that linarin can reduce the risk of acute lung disease. Furthermore, these compounds also have a huge effect to suppress Chlamydia pneumonia infection.

There are several ways to use corn mint oil such as inhaling, applying to the skin, or ingesting it. Be cautious before you want to eat it in oil form. Take a small drop of corn mint oil or if you are not sure, you can consume this oil in gel capsule form.


celery that good for lessen your pneumonia symptom

Though this plant is a vegetable, it can be used as herbal medicine. Can celery become medicine? yes, it can because it has a particular compound to make it beneficial to your health.

Celery contains a flavonoid compound called luteolin that has anti-bacterial properties to defect against various infectious diseases such as pneumonia and meningitis. In case of swelling caused by pneumonia infection, this compound also has anti-inflammation content to deflate it and relieve its symptom.

Luteolin is also a good compound that has myriad benefits besides antimicrobial properties. For instance, this compound can prevent memory loss and have a neuroprotective effect to defend against meningitis infection.

This herb can be cooked with boiling water to wither this plant and make it easier to be consumed. blending it to make celery juice and adding additional ingredients such as honey and lemon to reduce the bitterness of this plant.

Chrysanthemum Flowers

dried chrysanthemum flowers tea

we usually use this plant specifically its flower as a decoration in some wedding events or a happiness symbol gift on some occasions. However, some types of chrysanthemum also have the benefit particularly related to treating pneumonia symptoms.

Chrysanthemum indicium has mainly been used as herbal medicine for centuries to relieve some diseases. Eucalyptol, germacrene, and camphor are the major compound of this herb that have specific benefits to loosen pneumonia symptoms.

Firstly, germacrene is a volatile compound that has an antibacterial effect, and plants with this substance are usually used as fever medication. Secondly, eucalyptol is also a volatile compound that has an antimicrobial effect to ease cough symptoms. Lastly, camphor has contributed to reducing cough, relieving chest pain, and serving as a natural pain killer. In addition, this herb also contains luteolin to relieve inflammation within the lung.

Normally, making herbal tea with this dried flower is possible. Chrysanthemum flowers tea has a good scent and may reduce your pneumonia symptom. Moreover, this flower also has a supplement and essential oil form which can be an alternate option to treat this disease.

Food That Can Reduce Pneumonia Symptom

Besides herbal remedies that have benefits to the lung and respiratory system, there is also food that is good as an additional combination in your meal. These fruits and food also have various compounds that are considered as herbal medicine to help the body counter infection causing pneumonia such as:


berries have vitamin C that help to boost your immune system

These types of foods can be considered herbal food since they have many benefits for health. Generally, berries have a sour and sweet taste because they have vitamin C and minerals. The high content of this nutrition can risen the immune system to fight back infection.

Moreover, berries contain flavonoids and anthocyanin that have antioxidant and antibacterial properties also good used to protect cells against oxidative stress and malicious substance. These content are good to reduce pneumonia and prevent this disease infect the body.

There are also type of food that has antioxidant properties to boost your immune such as orange and lime. To get these kinds of fruit is so simple and consuming 1 – 2 fresh berries a day may ease the symptom of pneumonia.

Dates Palm

sukkari dates are used to reduce pneumonia symptoms

This typical fruit is popular in the middle east as a snack or became staple food in some regions. Furthermore, Dates palm has magnificent benefits for our health and can be considered as herbal medicine since it has rich in nutrients and minerals. In its uses for reducing or preventing pneumonia symptoms, dates palm are the best choice as started food to bring up an appetite.

Based on some research, Dates palm has phenolic compounds like quercetin that are effective to eliminate both gram-positive bacteria like Streptococcus pneumoniae and gram-negative bacteria like Klebsiella pneumoniae. These bacteria are the main causes of pneumonia. Another benefit of dates palm is reducing blood sugar levels and high blood pressure.


alfalfa sprout that have huge benefit to prevent infection

Some variants of legumes are beneficial for people who don’t enough meat in their meals. Legumes known to have a high content of protein like amino acids and flavonoids may be an option to treat pneumonia.

For instance, alfalfa sprout is believed as herbal since it has various benefits for humans and animals. It has isoflavonoid compounds such as Biochanin A and phytoestrogen that have an effect in preventing certain cancer. Based on some research, Biochanin A can hold up and prevent Chlamydiaceae pneumonia infection. Soybean, peanut, chickpea, and other legumes also have biochanin A compound that has an anti-microbial effect to counter some infections caused by pneumonia bacteria.

Consuming these legumes once in a while may boost your immune and strengthen it against pneumonia disease.

Apricot and Stone Fruit

a bucket of apricot that good for your health

Almost every type of stone fruit has terpenoid compounds that have benefits to our health. For example, Apple, cherries, apricot, peaches, and prune belong to the stone fruits category. Moreover, apricot contains betulinic acid is terpenoid derivatives that serve as anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial agents. Some research found that betulin derivatives have an effect on slowing the growth of Chlamydiaceae pneumoniae in the lung.

Besides its effect to fight infection, vitamin C also exist in apricot and some stone fruit. It has an important role as an antioxidant agent to protect the body from malicious bacteria and viruses. There are also other benefits of apricot you should know such as improving gut health, maintaining blood pressure, and strengthening bone and teeth. We recommend consuming this fruit since it can be used as an herbal remedy for other diseases.


almond that good to prevent pneumonia

This nut is popular for chocolate lovers since a mixture of almond and chocolate makes a crunchy texture. Although it has tasty flavors, it also has benefits to health especially to fight and flush out infections from our body.

Almond has natural compounds that have antibiotic and anti-inflammation properties such as ursolic acid, betulinic acid, and oleanolic acid to decrease pneumonia symptoms. Based on some research, Betulinic acid can reduce infection of atypical bacterial pneumonia. Moreover, It also has an effect to defend again viruses that can decrease immune systems such as HIV (human immunodeficiency virus).

We recommend consuming almonds in a reasonable amount. However, be cautious to not eat this nut too much since it may develop other diseases. The other options to consume it such as taking drop almond oil. It would help you to maintain the body against pneumonia.

A Certain Ways To Reduce The Symptom Beside Food and Herbal Remedies

Consuming herbal foods with antioxidant and antibacterial content are good options to prevent pneumonia. However, reducing pneumonia symptoms can’t be done just by eating. The symptoms like nausea, cough, and fever make people have less food intake and lose appetite. There is some advice to relieve these symptoms besides eating such as:

  • Drink a lot of water – This advice is essential to keep hydrated since fever produces more sweat than normal conditions. Warm water is a good choice to keep water content and also help clear up phlegm.
  • Use a humidifier – This machine can help you to bring up mucus in your lung. If you don’t have it, you can make a home humidifier with steam. However, be cautious about water hygiene during make it.
  • Steamy bath – This option can lighten fever symptoms because steam can open up the pore gland and enhance sweat production to release the heat. Don’t forget to drink water after taking a steamy bath
  • Stay away from secondhand smoke – This warning is important because it can worsen your cough. The smoke would irritate the lining of the respiratory tract and make it inflamed.
  • Caution for taking cough medicine – It may have relieved your symptom but coughing is also important to release mucus and phlegm. If you have uncontrolled coughing, you need to ask the doctor to have approval using cough medicine.
  • Rest is the key – The more you have rest, the faster your symptom is lifted. Curing pneumonia takes a long time and is patient to confront this disease.
  • Reduce alcohol intake – A bad lifestyle can reduce the immune system and make it more vulnerable to getting this disease. Reducing alcohol intake can prevent infection before it’s late.


Pneumonia cases across the world are inflating ever since the COVID-19 pandemic happen. Furthermore, treating this disease can be tiresome and we need solutions to reduce or even prevent pneumonia. Herbal remedies can be an alternate option to lower the symptoms.

The key to treat this disease is consuming food with anti-bacterial and antiviral properties. This article shows you various herbal remedies such as echinacea, chrysanthemum, corn mint, thyme, turmeric, and many more that have potential benefits to your health. These herbal remedies help to relieve pneumonia symptoms and hold up a microbial infection that causes this disease.

To get these herbal remedies is easy in some regions. Moreover, other forms of this herbal such as supplements and essential oil make it more convenient to have its benefit.


[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK526116/ – Pneumonia in general

[2] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7442560/ – Caffeic acid contribute as COVID19 inhibitor

[3] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12602248/ – study garlic as an antibacterial for Streptococcus pneumonia infection


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