How Climate Changes Affect Health


Heavy rain, hot sun during the day that stings the skin, cloudy weather is a form of weather change. Conditions that affect weather changes include air pressure, wind, and humidity.

The weather that changes erratically has an impact on the condition of the body. The hot air in the afternoon that suddenly turned cloudy and then heavy rain became one of the real examples of weather changes. This condition affects the condition of the body that used to feel hot and then turns colder because the air temperature drops due to heavy rain.

1. Wind Blows Increase Allergies

Usually when the rainy season arrives, the wind speed increases. This increased wind speed also blows pollen away from plants. Pollen flying in the air is what can cause a recurrence of allergies for allergy sufferers.

2. Sleep Quality

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Many factors also affect the quality of a person’s sleep. One of them is the weather. Cool weather usually makes sleep more sound. Quality sleep at night has many health benefits.

Humans are recommended to sleep for 7-8 hours per day. If the quality of our sleep is good, of course, the performance of our organs also increases. Cool air helps us to sleep better.

Unlike if the weather is very hot, it makes us unable to sleep well. Likewise, when the weather is heavy rain accompanied by strong winds and lightning strikes. This condition makes it difficult for us to sleep, so that our sleep becomes less quality.

3. Hot Weather

keep hydrating could prevent bodily fluid loss and improve bowel health

People living in tropical countries are used to hot weather conditions. However, this does not mean that hot weather conditions do not endanger the inhabitants of these tropical countries. Extremely hot weather can harm the body and even cause death.

Body temperature rises when the weather is hot to balance the heat conditions outside the body. This causes the body to have to work harder to raise body temperature. When this condition occurs, it is better for us to always stay hydrated so that the body does not easily lose electrolytes. Keeping the body hydrated can prevent the body from becoming dehydrated easily.

4. The Respiratory System is Disturbed

Extremely hot weather can also increase the potential for forest fires. Dry air can ignite dry, flammable plants, causing sparks. The consequences of forest fires, in addition to material losses, must also have an impact on health.

The air is usually relatively drier when the weather is hot. Even so, wind gusts in forestry areas can also trigger the movement of smog resulting from forest fires. The large area burned also means that the smoke produced from the fires is wider, more abundant, and denser.

The smoke produced from forest fires contains carbon monoxide (CO) gas. CO gas carried by the wind through fire smoke will enter easily into the lungs. If CO gas is absorbed by the lungs in large quantities, it will cause the body to lack oxygen (O2). In addition, CO gas binds to haemoglobin in the blood. Haemoglobin bound by CO gas will make the body weak, faint, and can even cause death.

5. Digestive System is Not Optimal

Consuming cold and fresh drinks and food in hot weather is very helpful when the weather is hot. In hot weather conditions, the body will feel hot so it automatically consumes fresh and cold food. Cold food will make us feel fresher.

In fact, consuming cold water when the weather is hot having a positive impact on the body. Hydration of the body becomes more balanced when we drink cold water. It’s just that, excessive consumption of cold water can hurt the gums as well as the digestive system.

Consuming cold water can make the body’s performance change. The body is more focused on normalizing body temperature again. Due to this changing body focus, the digestive process is not optimal in the absorption of nutrients and vitamins from food that enters the body.

6. Flood

Rainfall that is too high in an area for a certain period of time can also have a negative impact. Continuous heavy rain in an area can cause an increase in river water discharge. If the location of the river is close to residential areas, the potential for local residents to experience flooding is very large.

River water that overflows quickly becomes a bad sign for life around the river. The overflow of river water at high speed can cause flooding. Moreover, if the overflow of water is of large volume, the potential to become a flash flood is even greater. Many people will be swept away by the torrential flood currents. Not to mention the houses that were submerged due to the flood causing the flood victims to increase.

Health problems also arise due to flooding. Clean water crisis, unequal distribution of logistics, slow assistance due to limited access to flood locations make handling flood victims take a long time to handle. In addition, dirty water from floods can also cause various diseases. Puddles that are high, wide, and polluted have a negative impact on the body. Diarrhea, skin diseases, typhoid that occurs due to consuming contaminated food or drink, as well as the emergence of leptospirosis from rat droppings.


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